Hi guys! March has come and gone, and for most of it I did a lot of “underwater work”. I stole this paraphrased quote from Becoming, Michelle Obama’s biography that I have finally finished reading….
Browsing Category Essays
February: A Strange Month in a Blog Post
Hi Guys! How are you? I had a planned a celebratory mood for this month’s newsletter, until February 23rd, when everything I wanted to talk about became suddenly trivial, superficial, unnecessary. Since the age of…
Turning 40, and a Stellar Debut for Eating Again
Hi guys, January, birthday month, coldest month (according to an old Italian fable), month of new beginnings… How was yours? Having been writing these newsletters for a while now, I try to not plan the…
What Joan Didion Taught Me, and the New Year Ahead
We tell ourselves stories in order to live, Joan Didion wrote in 1979. The White Album, where this quote is from, wasn’t the first work of hers I read. Blue Nights was. When I moved…
Cyber Monday Gratitude
Hi guys, How are you? I was up all night last night, worrying, planning, thinking… I woke up from a strange dream, thought I heard an ad about hearing aids on Ben’s phone, complained that…