Velvet Butternut Squash Soup

Need description from Alice.

Categories: n/a Prep Time: Cook Time: Published On: Thursday, March 26th, 2020 Comments: 0



  1. Chop all the ingredients and place into a stockpot with EVO. The vegetables don’t have to be finely chopped, because we will blend them into a cream.
  2. Sautée for a few minutes and then add enough water to cover the vegetables. bring to a boil and then simmer for at least an hour (up to two hours, being mindful of adding a little water with time). Do not add too much water, this soup must have a creamy consistency.
  3. After an hour, remove zucchini squash and the celery. Also, remove the parmesan cheese rind (keep this for eating with the soup), add the oat milk and, with an immersion blender, blend the soup into a smooth, velvety cream. Add salt, pepper, and ginger to taste. Add water or milk if necessary.
  4. Serve hot with Parmesan cheese grated on top.

This soup can be frozen up to 3 months and it keeps in the fridge for up to a week.


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