Sweet Sourdough Crackers

This recipe is so easy! Catherine and I started to make crackers in order not to waste sourdough starter, and the other day we tried to add sugar instead of salt, and the result was marvelous! These are really not that sweet, on purpose. They satisfy the sweet tooth without being cookies, so they are perfect for Catherine and for us, too, when we want to limit sugar but still want dessert. The can be dipped in hot chocolate, or served with ice cream, pastry cream, and whipped cream.

Categories: n/a Course: Dessert, Snacks Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20-25 minutes Published On: Monday, May 18th, 2020 Comments: 0



  1. Pour the sourdough starter in a mixing bowl and add all the dry ingredients.
  2. As the dough thickens, transfer onto a pastry board and knead into a ball; knead for a few minutes, and then allow to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes (up to 24 hours).
  3. According to the flour you use, you may have to add a bit more so that the dough is soft but not sticky.
  4. After 30 minutes, take it out of the fridge and, on a lightly floured surface, roll it out with a rolling pin. Roll it quite thin; I usually roll three-four big chunks, bake them whole, and then break them, once out of the oven, into smaller crackers.
  5. Place the rolled out dough onto a baking sheet, lightly brush with water and sprinkle with sugar. The water makes the sugar stick to the cracker.
  6. Bake at 425F for 20-25 minutes (according to how hard you want the crackers to be). Keep convection on for the first 2-3 minutes.
  7. When cool enough to handle, break into smaller crackers and enjoy. When they have completely cooled down you can dust them with powder sugar.

Sometimes, not every piece of dough comes out with the same thickness, and I kind of like it, because some crackers will be slightly softer, and others more golden and crunchy. I find this a super fun snack to keep in the house when you want the sweet but do not want to reach for the cookies. 

You can add some vanilla extract, too, and sprinkle colored sugar to make it more fun. I will soon try with purple!


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See you on Monday, August 21st, at 5pm PDT on Instagram Live from my Los Angeles kitchen! 

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