Pita Bread Sandwhich with Hummus, Cucumber, and Heirloom Tomatoes

A quick, fresh, creative and healthy lunch on a weekend, while your toddler naps.

Categories: n/a Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: Published On: Thursday, March 26th, 2020 Comments: 0



  1. Heat the pita bread in a toaster oven to desired warmth.
  2. Spread the hummus over the pita and layer the finely sliced cucumber, followed by the tomato. Add salt flakes, olive oil and some basil. fold and enjoy.
  3. Serve the remaining cucumber as a side, to dip in more hummus.
  4. You can add falafel to this sandwich, or my tofu meatballs (I had it with the meatballs and it was absolutely fantastic).

10 minute video


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