“I instruct my students that the natural state of mind is the main thing: awareness itself. We should not limit that to any particular object of meditation or goal or physical posture, and it has…
Browsing Category Essays
The End of the Year, New York City, and “In Lieu Of” as a Resolution for 2023
Hi guys, I hope you are all having a joyful, meaningful, and hopefully re-charging holiday season whether with family, friends, chosen family, or alone. Someone reminded me that winter should be the season for tuning…
Fiction, Self-Compassion, and Staying on the Bike
Lena had begun to increasingly gain speed on her bike, and as soon as she realized she was balancing without training wheels, she threw herself off, straight onto the sidewalk. It didn’t only happen once,…
One Year of Listening, Autumn, and Grieving what Isn’t No More
The other day, on Instagram (who would have guessed?) my OBGYN, who also just published an amazing, groundbreaking book on menopause, posted a video about how women spend a huge part of their lives identifying…
Making a Difference, Anthony Bourdain, and a New Book
Hi guys, how are you? This month’s newsletter, as it appears to have become the norm, will be brief, and straight to the point; I am, again, writing the day before publication. The other day,…